
Armature Bones

  • The following section deals with Armatures

Bone Flags

  • These are set upon export if left at 0.
  • Only change the value in very specific cases: Oblivion Clothing uses 0x000F

Dismember Flags

  • Currently does nothing - in testing.

Inventory Marker

  • This is a special type of bone which is used to position object in the inventory display.
  • It may also be used for animation placement involving multiple NPCs
  • The InvMarker bone should only be used in engines that can support them.


  1. Create this item in the same manner as you would for a standard armature bone.
  2. Parent must be Armature root.
  3. Naming must start with InvMarker and can only be appended with .000
    A model with 4 inventory marker bone items should be named as InvMarker, InvMarker.001, InvMarker.002, InvMarker.003


  • Games known to support this include: The Elder Scrolls - Skyrim.
  • Exporting this type of bone into engines that do not support it will cause crashes.