
Last Built: Mar 06, 2020

Source code for pyffi.spells

:mod:`pyffi.spells` --- High level file operations

.. note::
   This module is based on wz's NifTester module, although
   nothing of wz's original code is left in this module.

A :term:`toaster`, implemented by subclasses of the abstract
:class:`Toaster` class, walks over all files in a folder, and applies
one or more transformations on each file. Such transformations are
called :term:`spell`\ s, and are implemented by subclasses of the
abstract :class:`Spell` class.

A :term:`spell` can also run independently of a :term:`toaster` and be
applied on a branch directly. The recommended way of doing this is via
the :meth:`Spell.recurse` method.

Supported spells

For format specific spells, refer to the corresponding module.

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2

Some spells are applicable on every file format, and those are documented

.. autoclass:: SpellApplyPatch

Adding new spells

To create new spells, derive your custom spells from the :class:`Spell`
class, and include them in the :attr:`Toaster.SPELLS` attribute of your

.. autoclass:: Spell
   :members: READONLY, SPELLNAME, data, stream, toaster,
             __init__, recurse, _datainspect, datainspect, _branchinspect,
             branchinspect, dataentry, dataexit, branchentry,
             branchexit, toastentry, toastexit

Grouping spells together

It is also possible to create composite spells, that is, spells that
simply execute other spells. The following functions and classes can
be used for this purpose.

.. autofunction:: SpellGroupParallel

.. autofunction:: SpellGroupSeries

.. autoclass:: SpellGroupBase

.. autoclass:: SpellGroupParallelBase

.. autoclass:: SpellGroupSeriesBase

Creating toaster scripts

To create a new toaster script, derive your toaster from the :class:`Toaster`
class, and set the :attr:`Toaster.FILEFORMAT` attribute of your toaster to
the file format class of the files it can toast.

.. autoclass:: Toaster


# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2007-2012, Python File Format Interface
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
# are met:
#    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
#      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
#    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
#      copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
#      disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
#      with the distribution.
#    * Neither the name of the Python File Format Interface
#      project nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse
#      or promote products derived from this software without specific
#      prior written permission.
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

from configparser import ConfigParser
from copy import deepcopy
import gc

import logging  # Logger
import concurrent.futures  # ProcessPoolExecutor
import multiprocessing  # current_process, cpu_count
import optparse
import os  # remove
import os.path  # getsize, split, join
import re  # for regex parsing (--skip, --only)
import shlex  # shlex.split for parsing option lists in ini files
import subprocess
import tempfile

import pyffi  # for pyffi.__version__
import pyffi.object_models  # pyffi.object_models.FileFormat

[docs]class Spell(object): """Spell base class. A spell takes a data file and then does something useful with it. The main entry point for spells is :meth:`recurse`, so if you are writing new spells, start with reading the documentation with :meth:`recurse`. """ data = None """The :class:`~pyffi.object_models.FileFormat.Data` instance this spell acts on.""" stream = None """The current ``file`` being processed.""" toaster = None """The :class:`Toaster` instance this spell is called from.""" changed = False """Whether the spell changed the data. If ``True``, the file will be written back, otherwise not. """ reports = None """Any information the spell wants to report back to the toaster (used for instance for regression testing). """ # spells are readonly by default READONLY = True """A ``bool`` which determines whether the spell is read only or not. Default value is ``True``. Override this class attribute, and set to ``False``, when subclassing a spell that must write files back to the disk. """ SPELLNAME = None """A ``str`` describing how to refer to the spell from the command line. Override this class attribute when subclassing. """
[docs] def __init__(self, toaster=None, data=None, stream=None): """Initialize the spell data. :param data: The file :attr:`data`. :type data: :class:`~pyffi.object_models.FileFormat.Data` :param stream: The file :attr:`stream`. :type stream: ``file`` :param toaster: The :attr:`toaster` this spell is called from (optional). :type toaster: :class:`Toaster` """ = data = stream self.toaster = toaster if toaster else Toaster()
[docs] def _datainspect(self): """This is called after :meth:`pyffi.object_models.FileFormat.Data.inspect` has been called, and before :meth:`` is called. :return: ``True`` if the file must be processed, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: ``bool`` """ # for the moment, this does nothing return True
[docs] def datainspect(self): """This is called after :meth:`pyffi.object_models.FileFormat.Data.inspect` has been called, and before :meth:`` is called. Override this function for customization. :return: ``True`` if the file must be processed, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: ``bool`` """ # for nif: check if version applies, or # check if spell block type is found return True
[docs] def _branchinspect(self, branch): """Check if spell should be cast on this branch or not, based on exclude and include options passed on the command line. You should not need to override this function: if you need additional checks on whether a branch must be parsed or not, override the :meth:`branchinspect` method. :param branch: The branch to check. :type branch: :class:`~pyffi.utils.graph.GlobalNode` :return: ``True`` if the branch must be processed, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: ``bool`` """ # fall back on the toaster implementation return self.toaster.is_admissible_branch_class(branch.__class__)
[docs] def branchinspect(self, branch): """Like :meth:`_branchinspect`, but for customization: can be overridden to perform an extra inspection (the default implementation always returns ``True``). :param branch: The branch to check. :type branch: :class:`~pyffi.utils.graph.GlobalNode` :return: ``True`` if the branch must be processed, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: ``bool`` """ return True
[docs] def recurse(self, branch=None): """Helper function which calls :meth:`_branchinspect` and :meth:`branchinspect` on the branch, if both successful then :meth:`branchentry` on the branch, and if this is succesful it calls :meth:`recurse` on the branch's children, and once all children are done, it calls :meth:`branchexit`. Note that :meth:`_branchinspect` and :meth:`branchinspect` are not called upon first entry of this function, that is, when called with :attr:`data` as branch argument. Use :meth:`datainspect` to stop recursion into this branch. Do not override this function. :param branch: The branch to start the recursion from, or ``None`` to recurse the whole tree. :type branch: :class:`~pyffi.utils.graph.GlobalNode` """ # when called without arguments, recurse over the whole tree if branch is None: branch = # the root data element: datainspect has already been called if branch is self.toaster.msgblockbegin( "--- %s ---" % self.SPELLNAME) if self.dataentry(): # spell returned True so recurse to children # we use the abstract tree functions to parse the tree # these are format independent! for child in branch.get_global_child_nodes(): self.recurse(child) self.dataexit() self.toaster.msgblockend() elif self._branchinspect(branch) and self.branchinspect(branch): self.toaster.msgblockbegin( """~~~ %s [%s] ~~~""" % (branch.__class__.__name__, branch.get_global_display())) # cast the spell on the branch if self.branchentry(branch): # spell returned True so recurse to children # we use the abstract tree functions to parse the tree # these are format independent! for child in branch.get_global_child_nodes(): self.recurse(child) self.branchexit(branch) self.toaster.msgblockend()
[docs] def dataentry(self): """Called before all blocks are recursed. The default implementation simply returns ``True``. You can access the data via :attr:`data`, and unlike in the :meth:`datainspect` method, the full file has been processed at this stage. Typically, you will override this function to perform a global operation on the file data. :return: ``True`` if the children must be processed, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: ``bool`` """ return True
[docs] def branchentry(self, branch): """Cast the spell on the given branch. First called with branch equal to :attr:`data`'s children, then the grandchildren, and so on. The default implementation simply returns ``True``. Typically, you will override this function to perform an operation on a particular block type and/or to stop recursion at particular block types. :param branch: The branch to cast the spell on. :type branch: :class:`~pyffi.utils.graph.GlobalNode` :return: ``True`` if the children must be processed, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: ``bool`` """ return True
[docs] def branchexit(self, branch): """Cast a spell on the given branch, after all its children, grandchildren, have been processed, if :meth:`branchentry` returned ``True`` on the given branch. Typically, you will override this function to perform a particular operation on a block type, but you rely on the fact that the children must have been processed first. :param branch: The branch to cast the spell on. :type branch: :class:`~pyffi.utils.graph.GlobalNode` """ pass
[docs] def dataexit(self): """Called after all blocks have been processed, if :meth:`dataentry` returned ``True``. Typically, you will override this function to perform a final spell operation, such as writing back the file in a special way, or making a summary log. """ pass
[docs] @classmethod def toastentry(cls, toaster): """Called just before the toaster starts processing all files. If it returns ``False``, then the spell is not used. The default implementation simply returns ``True``. For example, if the spell only acts on a particular block type, but that block type is excluded, then you can use this function to flag that this spell can be skipped. You can also use this function to initialize statistics data to be aggregated from files, to initialize a log file, and so. :param toaster: The toaster this spell is called from. :type toaster: :class:`Toaster` :return: ``True`` if the spell applies, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: ``bool`` """ return True
[docs] @classmethod def toastexit(cls, toaster): """Called when the toaster has finished processing all files. :param toaster: The toaster this spell is called from. :type toaster: :class:`Toaster` """ pass
@classmethod def get_toast_stream(cls, toaster, filename, test_exists=False): """Returns the stream that the toaster will write to. The default implementation calls ``toaster.get_toast_stream``, but spells that write to different file(s) can override this method. """ return toaster.get_toast_stream(filename, test_exists=test_exists) def append_report(self, report): if self.reports is None: self.reports = [] self.reports.append(report)
[docs]class SpellGroupBase(Spell): """Base class for grouping spells. This implements all the spell grouping functions that fall outside of the actual recursing (:meth:`__init__`, :meth:`toastentry`, :meth:`_datainspect`, :meth:`datainspect`, and :meth:`toastexit`). """ SPELLCLASSES = [] """List of :class:`Spell`\ s of this group (not instantiated).""" ACTIVESPELLCLASSES = [] """List of active spells of this group (not instantiated). This list is automatically built when :meth:`toastentry` is called. """ spells = [] """List of active spell instances.""" def __init__(self, toaster=None, data=None, stream=None): """Initialize the spell data for all given spells. :param toaster: The toaster this spell is called from. :type toaster: :class:`Toaster` :param data: The file data. :type data: :class:`pyffi.object_models.FileFormat.Data` :param stream: The file stream. :type stream: ``file`` """ # call base class constructor Spell.__init__(self, toaster=toaster, data=data, stream=stream) # set up the list of spells self.spells = [spellclass(toaster=toaster, data=data, stream=stream) for spellclass in self.ACTIVESPELLCLASSES]
[docs] def datainspect(self): """Inspect every spell with L{Spell.datainspect} and keep those spells that must be cast.""" self.spells = [spell for spell in self.spells if spell.datainspect()] return bool(self.spells)
[docs] @classmethod def toastentry(cls, toaster): cls.ACTIVESPELLCLASSES = [ spellclass for spellclass in cls.SPELLCLASSES if spellclass.toastentry(toaster)] return bool(cls.ACTIVESPELLCLASSES)
[docs] @classmethod def toastexit(cls, toaster): for spellclass in cls.ACTIVESPELLCLASSES: spellclass.toastexit(toaster)
[docs]class SpellGroupSeriesBase(SpellGroupBase): """Base class for running spells in series."""
[docs] def recurse(self, branch=None): """Recurse spells in series.""" for spell in self.spells: spell.recurse(branch)
# the following functions must NEVER be called in series of spells # everything is handled by the recurse function
[docs] def branchinspect(self, branch): raise RuntimeError("use recurse")
[docs] def branchentry(self, branch): raise RuntimeError("use recurse")
def dataexit(self): raise RuntimeError("use recurse")
[docs] def dataentry(self): raise RuntimeError("use recurse")
[docs] def dataexit(self): raise RuntimeError("use recurse")
@property def changed(self): return any(spell.changed for spell in self.spells)
[docs]class SpellGroupParallelBase(SpellGroupBase): """Base class for running spells in parallel (that is, with only a single recursion in the tree). """
[docs] def branchinspect(self, branch): """Inspect spells with :meth:`Spell.branchinspect` (not all checks are executed, only keeps going until a spell inspection returns ``True``). """ return any(spell.branchinspect(branch) for spell in self.spells)
[docs] def branchentry(self, branch): """Run all spells.""" # not using any: we want all entry code to be executed return bool([spell.branchentry(branch) for spell in self.spells])
[docs] def branchexit(self, branch): for spell in self.spells: spell.branchexit(branch)
[docs] def dataentry(self): """Look into every spell with :meth:`Spell.dataentry`.""" self.spells = [spell for spell in self.spells if spell.dataentry()] return bool(self.spells)
[docs] def dataexit(self): """Look into every spell with :meth:`Spell.dataexit`.""" for spell in self.spells: spell.dataexit()
@property def changed(self): return any(spell.changed for spell in self.spells)
[docs]def SpellGroupSeries(*args): """Class factory for grouping spells in series.""" return type("".join(spellclass.__name__ for spellclass in args), (SpellGroupSeriesBase,), {"SPELLCLASSES": args, "SPELLNAME": " | ".join(spellclass.SPELLNAME for spellclass in args), "READONLY": all(spellclass.READONLY for spellclass in args)})
[docs]def SpellGroupParallel(*args): """Class factory for grouping spells in parallel.""" return type("".join(spellclass.__name__ for spellclass in args), (SpellGroupParallelBase,), {"SPELLCLASSES": args, "SPELLNAME": " & ".join(spellclass.SPELLNAME for spellclass in args), "READONLY": all(spellclass.READONLY for spellclass in args)})
[docs]class SpellApplyPatch(Spell): """A spell for applying a patch on files.""" SPELLNAME = "applypatch"
[docs] def datainspect(self): """There is no need to read the whole file, so we apply the patch already at inspection stage, and stop the spell process by returning ``False``. :return: ``False`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ # get the patch command (if there is one) patchcmd = self.toaster.options["patchcmd"] if not patchcmd: raise ValueError("must specify a patch command") # first argument is always the stream, by convention oldfile = oldfilename = newfilename = oldfilename + ".patched" patchfilename = oldfilename + ".patch" self.toaster.msg("writing %s..." % newfilename) # close all files before calling external command oldfile.close()[patchcmd, oldfilename, newfilename, patchfilename]) # do not go further, spell is done return False
class fake_logger: """Simple logger for testing.""" level = logging.DEBUG @classmethod def _log(cls, level, level_str, msg): # do not actually log, just print if level >= cls.level: print("pyffi.toaster:%s:%s" % (level_str, msg)) @classmethod def error(cls, msg): cls._log(logging.ERROR, "ERROR", msg) @classmethod def warn(cls, msg): cls._log(logging.WARNING, "WARNING", msg) @classmethod def info(cls, msg): cls._log(logging.INFO, "INFO", msg) @classmethod def debug(cls, msg): cls._log(logging.DEBUG, "DEBUG", msg) @classmethod def setLevel(cls, level): cls.level = level def _toaster_job(args): """For multiprocessing. This function creates a new toaster, with the given options and spells, and calls the toaster on filename. """ class multiprocessing_fake_logger(fake_logger): """Simple logger which works well along with multiprocessing on all platforms.""" @classmethod def _log(cls, level, level_str, msg): # do not actually log, just print if level >= cls.level: print("pyffi.toaster:%i:%s:%s" % (multiprocessing.current_process().pid, level_str, msg)) toasterclass, filename, options, spellnames = args toaster = toasterclass(options=options, spellnames=spellnames, logger=multiprocessing_fake_logger) # toast entry code if not toaster.spellclass.toastentry(toaster): print("pyffi.toaster:%s" % "Spell does not apply! quiting early...") return # toast single file stream = open(filename, mode='rb' if toaster.spellclass.READONLY else 'r+b') toaster._toast(stream) # toast exit code toaster.spellclass.toastexit(toaster) # CPU_COUNT is used for default number of jobs if multiprocessing: try: CPU_COUNT = multiprocessing.cpu_count() except NotImplementedError: CPU_COUNT = 1 else: CPU_COUNT = 1
[docs]class Toaster(object): """Toaster base class. Toasters run spells on large quantities of files. They load each file and pass the data structure to any number of spells. """ FILEFORMAT = pyffi.object_models.FileFormat """The file format class (a subclass of :class:`~pyffi.object_models.FileFormat`).""" SPELLS = [] """List of all available :class:`~pyffi.spells.Spell` classes.""" EXAMPLES = "" """Some examples which describe typical use of the toaster.""" ALIASDICT = {} """Dictionary with aliases for spells.""" DEFAULT_OPTIONS = dict( raisetesterror=False, verbose=1, pause=False, exclude=[], include=[], examples=False, spells=False, interactive=True, helpspell=False, dryrun=False, prefix="", suffix="", arg="", createpatch=False, applypatch=False, diffcmd="", patchcmd="", series=False, skip=[], only=[], jobs=CPU_COUNT, refresh=32, sourcedir="", destdir="", archives=False, resume=False, gccollect=False, inifile="") """List of spell classes of the particular :class:`Toaster` instance.""" options = {} """The options of the toaster, as ``dict``.""" spellnames = [] """A list of the names of the spells.""" top = "" """Name of the top folder to toast.""" indent = 0 """An ``int`` which describes the current indentation level for messages.""" logger = logging.getLogger("pyffi.toaster") """A :class:`logging.Logger` for toaster log messages.""" include_types = [] """Tuple of types corresponding to the include key of :attr:`options`.""" exclude_types = [] """Tuple of types corresponding to the exclude key of :attr:`options`.""" only_regexs = [] """Tuple of regular expressions corresponding to the only key of :attr:`options`.""" skip_regexs = [] """Tuple of regular expressions corresponding to the skip key of :attr:`options`.""" def __init__(self, spellclass=None, options=None, spellnames=None, logger=None): """Initialize the toaster. :param spellclass: Deprecated, use spellnames. :type spellclass: :class:`Spell` :param options: The options (as keyword arguments). :type options: ``dict`` :param spellnames: List of names of spells. :type spellnames: ``list`` of ``str`` """ self.options = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_OPTIONS) self.spellnames = spellnames if spellnames else [] if logger: # override default logger self.logger = logger if options: self.options.update(options) self.indent = 0 # update options and spell class self._update_options() if spellnames: self._update_spellclass() else: # deprecated self.spellclass = spellclass # track which files toasted succesfully, and which did not self.files_done = {} self.files_skipped = set() self.files_failed = set() def _update_options(self): """Synchronize some fields with given options.""" # set verbosity level (also of self.logger, in case of a custom one) if self.options["verbose"] <= 0: logging.getLogger("pyffi").setLevel(logging.WARNING) self.logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) elif self.options["verbose"] == 1: logging.getLogger("pyffi").setLevel(logging.INFO) self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) else: logging.getLogger("pyffi").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # check errors if self.options["createpatch"] and self.options["applypatch"]: raise ValueError( "options --diff and --patch are mutually exclusive") if self.options["diffcmd"] and not(self.options["createpatch"]): raise ValueError( "option --diff-cmd can only be used with --diff") if self.options["patchcmd"] and not(self.options["applypatch"]): raise ValueError( "option --patch-cmd can only be used with --patch") # multiprocessing available? if (multiprocessing is None) and self.options["jobs"] > 1: self.logger.warn( "multiprocessing not supported on this platform") self.options["jobs"] = 1 # update include and exclude types self.include_types = tuple( getattr(self.FILEFORMAT, block_type) for block_type in self.options["include"]) self.exclude_types = tuple( getattr(self.FILEFORMAT, block_type) for block_type in self.options["exclude"]) # update skip and only regular expressions self.skip_regexs = tuple( re.compile(regex) for regex in self.options["skip"]) self.only_regexs = tuple( re.compile(regex) for regex in self.options["only"]) def _update_spellclass(self): """Update spell class from given list of spell names.""" # get spell classes spellclasses = [] if not self.spellnames: raise ValueError("no spells specified") for spellname in self.spellnames: # convert old names if spellname in self.ALIASDICT: self.logger.warning( "The %s spell is deprecated and will be removed" " from a future release; use the %s spell as a" " replacement" % (spellname, self.ALIASDICT[spellname])) spellname = self.ALIASDICT[spellname] # find the spell spellklasses = [spellclass for spellclass in self.SPELLS if spellclass.SPELLNAME == spellname] if not spellklasses: raise ValueError( "%s is not a known spell" % spellname) if len(spellklasses) > 1: raise ValueError( "multiple spells are called %s (BUG?)" % spellname) spellclasses.extend(spellklasses) # create group of spells if len(spellclasses) > 1: if self.options["series"]: self.spellclass = SpellGroupSeries(*spellclasses) else: self.spellclass = SpellGroupParallel(*spellclasses) else: self.spellclass = spellclasses[0]
[docs] def msg(self, message): """Write log message with :meth:``, taking into account :attr:`indent`. :param message: The message to write. :type message: ``str`` """ for line in message.split("\n"):" " * self.indent + line)
[docs] def msgblockbegin(self, message): """Acts like :meth:`msg`, but also increases :attr:`indent` after writing the message.""" self.msg(message) self.indent += 1
[docs] def msgblockend(self, message=None): """Acts like :meth:`msg`, but also decreases :attr:`indent` before writing the message, but if the message argument is ``None``, then no message is printed.""" self.indent -= 1 if not(message is None): self.msg(message)
[docs] def is_admissible_branch_class(self, branchtype): """Helper function which checks whether a given branch type should have spells cast on it or not, based in exclude and include options. >>> from pyffi.formats.nif import NifFormat >>> class MyToaster(Toaster): ... FILEFORMAT = NifFormat >>> toaster = MyToaster() # no include or exclude: all admissible >>> toaster.is_admissible_branch_class(NifFormat.NiProperty) True >>> toaster.is_admissible_branch_class(NifFormat.NiNode) True >>> toaster = MyToaster(options={"include": ["NiProperty", "NiNode"], "exclude": ["NiMaterialProperty", "NiLODNode"]}) >>> toaster.is_admissible_branch_class(NifFormat.NiProperty) True >>> toaster.is_admissible_branch_class(NifFormat.NiNode) True >>> toaster.is_admissible_branch_class(NifFormat.NiAVObject) False >>> toaster.is_admissible_branch_class(NifFormat.NiLODNode) False >>> toaster.is_admissible_branch_class(NifFormat.NiSwitchNode) True >>> toaster.is_admissible_branch_class(NifFormat.NiMaterialProperty) False >>> toaster.is_admissible_branch_class(NifFormat.NiAlphaProperty) True """ # print("checking %s" % branchtype.__name__) # debug # check that block is not in exclude... if not issubclass(branchtype, self.exclude_types): # not excluded! # check if it is included if not self.include_types: # if no include list is given, then assume included by default # so, the block is admissible return True elif issubclass(branchtype, self.include_types): # included as well! the block is admissible return True # not admissible # print("not admissible") # debug return False
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_inifile(option, opt, value, parser, toaster=None): """Initializes spell classes and options from an ini file.""" ini_parser = ConfigParser() # read config file(s) # process all options if ini_parser.has_section("options"): for opt_str, opt_values in ini_parser.items("options"): option = parser._long_opt["--" + opt_str] for opt_value in shlex.split(opt_values): option.process(opt_str, opt_value, parser.values, parser) # get spells and top folder if ini_parser.has_section("main"): if ini_parser.has_option("main", "spell"): toaster.spellnames.extend(ini_parser.get("main", "spell").split()) if ini_parser.has_option("main", "folder"): = ini_parser.get("main", "folder")
[docs] def cli(self): """Command line interface: initializes spell classes and options from the command line, and run the :meth:`toast` method. """ # parse options and positional arguments usage = "%prog [options] <spell1> <spell2> ... <file>|<folder>" description = ( "Apply the spells <spell1>, <spell2>, and so on," " on <file>, or recursively on <folder>.") errormessage_numargs = ( "incorrect number of arguments (use the --help option for help)") parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage, version="%%prog (PyFFI %s)" % pyffi.__version__, description=description) parser.add_option( "--archives", dest="archives", action="store_true", help="also parse files inside archives") parser.add_option( "-a", "--arg", dest="arg", type="string", metavar="ARG", help="pass argument ARG to each spell") parser.add_option( "--dest-dir", dest="destdir", type="string", metavar="DESTDIR", help="write files to DESTDIR" " instead of overwriting the original;" " this is done by replacing SOURCEDIR by DESTDIR" " in all source file paths") parser.add_option( "--diff", dest="createpatch", action="store_true", help= "write a binary patch" " instead of overwriting the original") parser.add_option( "--diff-cmd", dest="diffcmd", type="string", metavar="CMD", help="use CMD as diff command; this command must accept precisely" " 3 arguments: 'CMD oldfile newfile patchfile'.") parser.add_option( "--dry-run", dest="dryrun", action="store_true", help= "save modification to temporary file" " instead of overwriting the original" " (for debugging)") parser.add_option( "--examples", dest="examples", action="store_true", help="show examples of usage and exit") parser.add_option( "--help-spell", dest="helpspell", action="store_true", help="show help specific to the given spells") parser.add_option( "-i", "--include", dest="include", type="string", action="append", metavar="BLOCK", help="include only block type BLOCK in spell; if this option is" " not specified, then all block types are included except" " those specified under --exclude; include multiple block" " types by specifying this option more than once") parser.add_option( "--ini-file", dest="inifile", type="string", action="callback", callback=self.parse_inifile, callback_kwargs={'toaster': self}, metavar="FILE", help="read all options from FILE; if specified, all other arguments" " are ignored; to take options from multiple ini files, specify" " more than once") parser.add_option( "-j", "--jobs", dest="jobs", type="int", metavar="JOBS", help="allow JOBS jobs at once [default: %default]") parser.add_option( "--noninteractive", dest="interactive", action="store_false", help="non-interactive session (overwrites files without warning)") parser.add_option( "--only", dest="only", type="string", action="append", metavar="REGEX", help="only toast files whose names" " (i) contain the regular expression REGEX, and" " (ii) do not contain any regular expression specified with --skip;" " if specified multiple times, the expressions are 'ored'") parser.add_option( "--overwrite", dest="resume", action="store_false", help="overwrite existing files (also see --resume)") parser.add_option( "--patch", dest="applypatch", action="store_true", help="apply all binary patches") parser.add_option( "--patch-cmd", dest="patchcmd", type="string", metavar="CMD", help="use CMD as patch command; this command must accept precisely " "3 arguments: 'CMD oldfile newfile patchfile'.""") parser.add_option( "-p", "--pause", dest="pause", action="store_true", help="pause when done") parser.add_option( "--prefix", dest="prefix", type="string", metavar="PREFIX", help="prepend PREFIX to file name when saving modification" " instead of overwriting the original") parser.add_option( "-r", "--raise", dest="raisetesterror", action="store_true", help="raise exception on errors during the spell (for debugging)") parser.add_option( "--refresh", dest="refresh", type="int", metavar="REFRESH", help="start new process pool every JOBS * REFRESH files" " if JOBS is 2 or more" " (when processing a large number of files, this prevents" " leaking memory on some operating systems) [default: %default]") parser.add_option( "--resume", dest="resume", action="store_true", help="do not overwrite existing files") parser.add_option( "--series", dest="series", action="store_true", help="run spells in series rather than in parallel") parser.add_option( "--skip", dest="skip", type="string", action="append", metavar="REGEX", help="skip all files whose names contain the regular expression REGEX" " (takes precedence over --only);" " if specified multiple times, the expressions are 'ored'") parser.add_option( "--source-dir", dest="sourcedir", type="string", metavar="SOURCEDIR", help="see --dest-dir") parser.add_option( "--spells", dest="spells", action="store_true", help="list all spells and exit") parser.add_option( "--suffix", dest="suffix", type="string", metavar="SUFFIX", help="append SUFFIX to file name when saving modification" " instead of overwriting the original") parser.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", type="int", metavar="LEVEL", help="verbosity level: 0, 1, or 2 [default: %default]") parser.add_option( "-x", "--exclude", dest="exclude", type="string", action="append", metavar="BLOCK", help="exclude block type BLOCK from spell; exclude multiple" " block types by specifying this option more than once") parser.add_option( "--gccollect", dest="gccollect", action="store_true", help="run garbage collector after every spell" " (slows down toaster but may save memory)") parser.set_defaults(**deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_OPTIONS)) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # convert options to dictionary self.options = {} for optionname in dir(options): # skip default attributes of optparse.Values if optionname not in dir(optparse.Values): self.options[optionname] = getattr(options, optionname) # update options self._update_options() # check if we had examples and/or spells: quit if options.spells: for spellclass in self.SPELLS: print(spellclass.SPELLNAME) return if options.examples: print(self.EXAMPLES) return # check if we are applying patches if options.applypatch: if len(args) > 1: parser.error("when using --patch, do not specify a spell") # set spell class to applying patch self.spellclass = SpellApplyPatch # set top if args: = args[-1] elif not parser.error("no folder or file specified") else: # get spell names and top if options.helpspell: # special case: --spell-help would not have a top specified self.spellnames = args[:] self._update_spellclass() self.msg(self.spellclass.__doc__) return if not args: # no args: error if no top or no spells if not( and self.spellnames): parser.error(errormessage_numargs) elif len(args) == 1: # single argument is top, error if no spells if not(self.spellnames): parser.error(errormessage_numargs) = args[-1] else: # all arguments, except the last one, are spells self.spellnames.extend(args[:-1]) # last argument is top = args[-1] # update the spell class self._update_spellclass() if not self.options["archives"]: self.toast( else: self.toast_archives( # signal the end"Finished.") if options.pause and options.interactive: input("Press enter...")
[docs] def inspect_filename(self, filename): """Returns whether to toast a filename or not, based on skip_regexs and only_regexs. """ if any( for regex in self.skip_regexs): # found some --skip regex, so do not toast return False if not self.only_regexs: # --only not specified: then by default take all files return True if any( for regex in self.only_regexs): # found at least one --only regex, so toast return True else: # no --only found, so do not toast return False
[docs] def toast(self, top): """Walk over all files in a directory tree and cast spells on every file. :param top: The directory or file to toast. :type top: str """ def file_pools(chunksize): """Helper function which generates list of files, sorted by size, in chunks of given size. """ all_files = pyffi.utils.walk( top, onerror=None, re_filename=self.FILEFORMAT.RE_FILENAME) while True: # fetch chunksize files from all files file_pool = [ filename for i, filename in zip( range(chunksize), all_files)] if not file_pool: # done! break # sort files by size file_pool.sort(key=os.path.getsize, reverse=True) yield file_pool # toast entry code if not self.spellclass.toastentry(self): self.msg("spell does not apply! quiting early...") return # some defaults are different from the defaults defined in # the cli function: these defaults are reasonable for when the # toaster is called NOT from the command line # whereas the cli function defines defaults that are reasonable # when the toaster is called from the command line # in particular, when calling from the command line, the script # is much more verbose by default pause = self.options.get("pause", False) # do not ask for confirmation (!= cli default) interactive = self.options.get("interactive", False) dryrun = self.options.get("dryrun", False) prefix = self.options.get("prefix", "") suffix = self.options.get("suffix", "") destdir = self.options.get("destdir", "") sourcedir = self.options.get("sourcedir", "") createpatch = self.options.get("createpatch", False) applypatch = self.options.get("applypatch", False) jobs = self.options.get("jobs", CPU_COUNT) # get source directory if not specified if not sourcedir: # set default source directory if os.path.isfile(top): sourcedir = os.path.dirname(top) else: sourcedir = top # store the option (so spells can use it) self.options["sourcedir"] = sourcedir # check that top starts with sourcedir if not top.startswith(sourcedir): raise ValueError( "invalid --source-dir: %s does not start with %s" % (top, sourcedir)) # warning if ((not self.spellclass.READONLY) and (not dryrun) and (not prefix) and (not createpatch) and interactive and (not suffix) and (not destdir)): self.logger.warn("This script will modify your files, in particular if something goes wrong it may destroy them.") self.logger.warn("Make a backup of your files before running this script.") if not input("Are you sure that you want to proceed? [n/y] ") in ("y", "Y"):"Script aborted by user.") if pause: input("Press enter...") return # walk over all streams, and create a data instance for each of them # inspect the file but do not yet read in full if jobs == 1: for stream in self.FILEFORMAT.walk(top, mode='rb' if self.spellclass.READONLY else 'r+b'): self._toast(stream) if self.options["gccollect"]: # force free memory (helps when parsing many files) gc.collect() else: chunksize = self.options["refresh"] * self.options["jobs"] self.msg("toasting with %i threads in chunks of %i files" % (jobs, chunksize)) for file_pool in file_pools(chunksize): self.logger.debug("process file pool:") for filename in file_pool: self.logger.debug(" " + filename) with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=jobs) as executor: list( _toaster_job, ((self.__class__, filename, self.options, self.spellnames) for filename in file_pool))) # toast exit code self.spellclass.toastexit(self)
[docs] def toast_archives(self, top): """Toast all files in all archives.""" if not self.FILEFORMAT.ARCHIVE_CLASSES:"No known archives contain this file format.") # walk over all files, and pick archives as we go for filename_in in pyffi.utils.walk(top): for ARCHIVE_CLASS in self.FILEFORMAT.ARCHIVE_CLASSES: # check if extension matches if not ARCHIVE_CLASS.RE_FILENAME.match(filename_in): continue # open the archive try: archive_in = ARCHIVE_CLASS.Data(name=filename_in, mode='r') except ValueError: self.logger.warn("archive format not recognized, skipped") continue # toast all members in the archive # and save them to a temporary archive as we go if not self.spellclass.READONLY: for member in archive_in.get_members(): self._toast_member(member) else: file_out = tempfile.TemporaryFile() archive_out = ARCHIVE_CLASS.Data(fileobj=file_out, mode='w') for member in archive_in.get_members(): self._toast(member) archive_out.add(member) archive_out.close() archive_in.close()
def _toast(self, stream): """Run toaster on particular stream and data. Used as helper function. """ # inspect the file name if not self.inspect_filename( self.msg("=== %s (skipped) ===" % self.files_skipped.add( return # check if file exists if self.options["resume"]: if self.spellclass.get_toast_stream(self,, test_exists=True): self.msg("=== %s (already done) ===" % return data = self.FILEFORMAT.Data() self.msgblockbegin("=== %s ===" % try: # inspect the file (reads only the header) data.inspect(stream) # create spell instance spell = self.spellclass(toaster=self, data=data, stream=stream) # inspect the spell instance if spell._datainspect() and spell.datainspect(): # read the full file # cast the spell on the data tree spell.recurse() # save file back to disk if not readonly and the spell # changed the file if (not self.spellclass.READONLY) and spell.changed: if self.options["createpatch"]: self.writepatch(stream, data) else: self.write(stream, data) self.files_done[] = spell.reports except Exception as expt: self.files_failed.add( self.logger.error("FAILED ON {0} - with the follow exception".format( self.logger.error("EXPT MSG : " + str(expt)) self.logger.error("If you were running a spell that came with PyFFI") self.logger.error("Please report this issue -") # if raising test errors, reraise the exception if self.options["raisetesterror"]: raise finally: self.msgblockend()
[docs] def get_toast_head_root_ext(self, filename): """Get the name of where the input file *filename* would be written to by the toaster: head, root, and extension. :param filename: The name of the hypothetical file to be toasted. :type filename: :class:`str` :return: The head, root, and extension of the destination, or ``(None, None, None)`` if ``--dry-run`` is specified. :rtype: :class:`tuple` of three :class:`str`\ s """ # first cover trivial case if self.options["dryrun"]: return None, None, None # split original file up head, tail = os.path.split(filename) root, ext = os.path.splitext(tail) # check if head sourcedir needs replacing by destdir # and do some sanity checks if this is the case if self.options["destdir"]: if not self.options["sourcedir"]: raise ValueError( "--dest-dir specified without --source-dir") if not head.startswith(self.options["sourcedir"]): raise ValueError( "invalid --source-dir: %s does not start with %s" % (filename, self.options["sourcedir"])) head = head.replace( self.options["sourcedir"], self.options["destdir"], 1) return head, self.options["prefix"] + root + self.options["suffix"], ext
[docs] def get_toast_stream(self, filename, test_exists=False): """Calls :meth:`get_toast_head_root_ext(filename)` to determine the name of the toast file, and return a stream for writing accordingly. Then return a stream where result can be written to, or in case test_exists is True, test if result would overwrite a file. More specifically, if test_exists is True, then no streams are created, and True is returned if the file already exists, and False is returned otherwise. """ if self.options["dryrun"]: if test_exists: return False # temporary file never exists else: self.msg("writing to temporary file") return tempfile.TemporaryFile() head, root, ext = self.get_toast_head_root_ext(filename) if head and not os.path.exists(head): if test_exists: # path does not exist, so file definitely does # not exist return False else:"creating destination path %s" % head) os.makedirs(head) filename = os.path.join(head, root + ext) if test_exists: return os.path.exists(filename) else: if os.path.exists(filename): self.msg("overwriting %s" % filename) else: self.msg("writing %s" % filename) return open(filename, "wb")
[docs] def write(self, stream, data): """Writes the data to data and raises an exception if the write fails, but restores file if fails on overwrite. """ outstream = self.spellclass.get_toast_stream(self, if stream is outstream: # make backup backup = try: try: data.write(outstream) except: # not just Exception, also CTRL-C self.msg("write failed!!!") if stream is outstream: self.msg("attempting to restore original file...") stream.write(backup) stream.truncate() else: outstream_name = self.msg("removing incompletely written file...") outstream.close() # temporary streams are removed on close # so check if it exists before removing if os.path.exists(outstream_name): os.remove(outstream_name) raise if stream is outstream: stream.truncate() finally: outstream.close()
[docs] def writepatch(self, stream, data): """Creates a binary patch for the updated file.""" diffcmd = self.options.get('diffcmd') if not diffcmd: raise ValueError("must specify a diff command") # create a temporary file that won't get deleted when closed self.options["suffix"] = ".tmp" newfile = self.spellclass.get_toast_stream(self, try: data.write(newfile) except: # not just Exception, also CTRL-C self.msg("write failed!!!") raise # use external diff command oldfile = stream oldfilename = patchfilename =[:-4] + ".patch" # close all files before calling external command oldfile.close() newfile.close() self.msg("calling %s" % diffcmd)[diffcmd, oldfilename, newfilename, patchfilename]) # delete temporary file os.remove(newfilename)
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod(optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS)