pyffi.spells.nif — NetImmerse/Gamebryo File/Keyframe (.nif/.kf/.kfa) spells

Module which contains all spells that check something in a nif file.

Spells for dumping particular blocks from nifs.

pyffi.spells.nif.fix — spells to fix errors

Module which contains all spells that fix something in a nif.


class pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellDelTangentSpace(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Delete tangentspace if it is present.

class pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellAddTangentSpace(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Add tangentspace if none is present.

class pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellFFVT3RSkinPartition(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Create or update skin partition, with settings that work for Freedom Force vs. The 3rd Reich.

class pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellFixTexturePath(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellParseTexturePath

Fix the texture path. Transforms 0x0a into n and 0x0d into r. This fixes a bug in nifs saved with older versions of nifskope. Also transforms / into . This fixes problems when packing files into a bsa archive. Also if the version is or higher it will check for bad texture path form of e.g. c:program and replace it with e.g.

class pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellDetachHavokTriStripsData(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

For NiTriStrips if their NiTriStripsData also occurs in a bhkNiTriStripsShape, make deep copy of data in havok. This is mainly useful as a preperation for other spells that act on NiTriStripsData, to ensure that the havok data remains untouched.

class pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellClampMaterialAlpha(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Clamp corrupted material alpha values.

class pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellSendGeometriesToBindPosition(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.SpellVisitSkeletonRoots

Transform skinned geometries so similar bones have the same bone data, and hence, the same bind position, over all geometries.

class pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellSendDetachedGeometriesToNodePosition(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.SpellVisitSkeletonRoots

Transform geometries so each set of geometries that shares bones is aligned with the transform of the root bone of that set.

class pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellSendBonesToBindPosition(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.SpellVisitSkeletonRoots

Transform bones so bone data agrees with bone transforms, and hence, all bones are in bind position.

class pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellMergeSkeletonRoots(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Merges skeleton roots in the nif file so that no skeleton root has another skeleton root as child. Warns if merge is impossible (this happens if the global skin data of the geometry is not the unit transform).

class pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellApplySkinDeformation(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Apply skin deformation to nif.

class pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellScale(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Scale a model.

class pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellFixCenterRadius(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.check.SpellCheckCenterRadius

Recalculate geometry centers and radii.

class pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellFixSkinCenterRadius(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.check.SpellCheckSkinCenterRadius

Recalculate skin centers and radii.

class pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellFixMopp(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.check.SpellCheckMopp

Recalculate mopp data from collision geometry.

class pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellCleanStringPalette(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Remove unused strings from string palette.


Parses string palette of either a single controller sequence, or of all controller sequences in a controller manager.

>>> seq = NifFormat.NiControllerSequence()
>>> seq.string_palette = NifFormat.NiStringPalette()
>>> block = seq.add_controlled_block()
>>> block.string_palette = seq.string_palette
>>> block.set_variable_1("there")
>>> block.set_node_name("hello")
>>> block.string_palette.palette.add_string("test")
>>> seq.string_palette.palette.get_all_strings()
[b'there', b'hello', b'test']
>>> SpellCleanStringPalette().branchentry(seq)
pyffi.toaster:INFO:parsing string palette
>>> seq.string_palette.palette.get_all_strings()
[b'hello', b'there']
>>> block.get_variable_1()
>>> block.get_node_name()

Helper function to substitute strings in the string palette, to allow subclasses of this spell can modify the strings. This implementation returns string unmodified.

class pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellDelUnusedRoots(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Remove root branches that shouldn’t be root branches and are unused in the file such as NiProperty branches that are not properly parented.

class pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellFixEmptySkeletonRoots(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Fix empty skeleton roots in an as sane as possible way.

Regression tests

Spells for optimizing nif files.

class pyffi.spells.nif.optimize.SpellCleanRefLists(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Remove empty and duplicate entries in reference lists.

cleanreflist(reflist, category)

Return a cleaned copy of the given list of references.

class pyffi.spells.nif.optimize.SpellMergeDuplicates(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Remove duplicate branches.

class pyffi.spells.nif.optimize.SpellOptimizeGeometry(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Optimize all geometries: - remove duplicate vertices - triangulate - recalculate skin partition - recalculate tangent space


Optimize a NiTriStrips or NiTriShape block:

  • remove duplicate vertices
  • retriangulate for vertex cache
  • recalculate skin partition
  • recalculate tangent space


Limit the size of shapes (see operation optimization mod for Oblivion!)

class pyffi.spells.nif.optimize.SpellOptimize(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.SpellCleanFarNifSpellDelUnusedRootsSpellCleanRefListsSpellDetachHavokTriStripsDataSpellFixTexturePathSpellClampMaterialAlphaSpellFixBhkSubShapesSpellFixEmptySkeletonRootsSpellOptimizeGeometrySpellOptimizeCollisionBoxSpellOptimizeCollisionGeometrySpellMergeDuplicates

Global fixer and optimizer spell.

class pyffi.spells.nif.optimize.SpellDelUnusedBones(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Remove nodes that are not used for anything.

pyffi.spells.nif.modify — spells to make modifications

Module which contains all spells that modify a nif.

class pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellTexturePath(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellParseTexturePath

Changes the texture path while keeping the texture names.

class pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellSubstituteTexturePath(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellFixTexturePath

Runs a regex replacement on texture paths.


Returns modified texture path, and reports if path was modified.

class pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellLowResTexturePath(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellSubstituteTexturePath

Changes the texture path by replacing ‘textures*’ with ‘textureslowres*’ - used mainly for making _far.nifs

class pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellCollisionType(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Sets the object collision to be a different type

class pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellCollisionMaterial(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Sets the object’s collision material to be a different type

class pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellScaleAnimationTime(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Scales the animation time.

class pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellReverseAnimation(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Reverses the animation by reversing datas in relation to the time.

class pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellSubstituteStringPalette(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.fix.SpellCleanStringPalette

Substitute strings in a string palette.


Returns modified string, and reports if string was modified.

class pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellChangeBonePriorities(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Changes controlled block priorities based on controlled block name.

class pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellSetInterpolatorTransRotScale(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Changes specified bone(s) translations/rotations in their NiTransformInterpolator.

class pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellDelInterpolatorTransformData(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Deletes the specified bone(s) NiTransformData(s).

class pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellDelBranches(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Delete blocks that match the exclude list.


Strip branch if it is flagged for deletion.


Returns True for those branches that must be deleted. The default implementation returns True for branches that are not admissible as specified by include/exclude options of the toaster. Override in subclasses that must delete specific branches.

class pyffi.spells.nif.modify._SpellDelBranchClasses(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellDelBranches

Delete blocks that match a given list. Only useful as base class for other spells.


List of branch classes that have to be deleted.

class pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellDelSkinShapes(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellDelBranches

Delete any geometries with a material name of ‘skin’

class pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellDisableParallax(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Disable parallax shader (for Oblivion, but may work on other nifs too).

class pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellAddStencilProperty(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.NifSpell

Adds a NiStencilProperty to each geometry if it is not present.

class pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellDelVertexColor(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellDelBranches

Delete vertex color properties and vertex color data.

class pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellMakeSkinlessNif(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.SpellDelSkinShapesSpellAddStencilProperty

Spell to make fleshless CMR (Custom Model Races) clothing/armour type nifs.

class pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellCleanFarNif(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.SpellDelVertexColorPropertySpellDelAlphaPropertySpellDelSpecularPropertySpellDelBSXFlagsSpellDelStringExtraDatasSpellDelTangentSpaceSpellDelCollisionDataSpellDelAnimationSpellDisableParallax

Spell to clean _far type nifs (for even more optimizations, combine this with the optimize spell).

class pyffi.spells.nif.modify.SpellMakeFarNif(toaster=None, data=None, stream=None)

Bases: pyffi.spells.SpellDelVertexColorPropertySpellDelAlphaPropertySpellDelSpecularPropertySpellDelBSXFlagsSpellDelStringExtraDatasSpellDelTangentSpaceSpellDelCollisionDataSpellDelAnimationSpellDisableParallaxSpellLowResTexturePath

Spell to make _far type nifs (for even more optimizations, combine this with the optimize spell).